Your software solution
for finding winning ideas

Brainstorming, prioritisation and experimentation need a smart system to turn proven ideas into profitable campaigns, products and services.

Rapidly is the essential software every company needs to operationalise your innovation agenda. Join leading businesses by improving your innovation results at scale with Rapidly.

Innovators Trusting Rapidly to Fuel Their Growth

Supporting Oxfam’s Innovation with Complimentary Access to Rapidly

Oxfam uses Rapidly


Does your innovation process work?

Rapidly is a software solution that supports your team’s experimentation, allowing for effective collaboration and rapid innovation through pretotyping. It gets you the information you need to make innovation decisions that put customer data (rather than opinion and guesswork) at the centre of your process, allowing your business to make meaningful decisions and pursue ideas you know will work. Whether you’re already implementing Exponentially’s Rapid Experimentation Framework, or are looking for new ways to run experiments yourself, we’ve created the tool to help.


It’s time to rethink how you decide what to build

You can save your business millions of dollars by not building the wrong ‘it’ and Rapidly helps you work out which ideas you should (and shouldn’t!) invest in. By tracking your experiments and using data to tell you what will work, you’re taking the guesswork out of innovation, so you can invest in winning ideas you know your customers will love.

Three steps to rapid experimentation to get results, fast.

Don't let game-changing opportunities slip through the cracks. Most businesses overlook critical steps when evaluating new ideas, but Rapidly ensures you don't make the same mistake.

Our innovative software leverages the power of the proven Exponentially Rapid Experimentation model and pretotyping, empowering your team to:

  1. Rapidly identify high-potential concepts

  2. Test ideas quickly and cost-effectively

  3. Make data-driven decisions on which projects to pursue

With Rapidly, you'll streamline your innovation process, minimize risk, and accelerate your path to success.


When your business has ideas floating around on what to build, it’s important to prioritise the ones that are worth experimenting on. In the writing world, they say to “kill your darlings”, and the same can be said for ideas. Figure out which ones look like they’ll work, and kill the rest.


This is the fun part. By utilising the framework laid out in Rapidly, you can start pretotyping your ideas. From capturing ideas all the way through to executing experiments, Rapidly takes you on an end-to-end journey through every step to see if your ideas are a pass or fail.



Now you’ve got the data, and it’s time to start using it! From your experiment findings, you can be confident about whether your customers love your idea or whether it’s best to leave it behind. With this information gathered, you now know where to invest and start building the right ‘it’.



Transform the way you innovate


Rapidly’s dashboard gives you a holistic overview of your innovation in action. Here, you can see what’s on for the week ahead and which tasks are assigned to both yourself and your team, helping you keep track and move through experiments at pace.

Idea Management

Manage every idea you have on the go from one easy place. Here, you can sort and filter ideas by status, star to prioritise ideas, and more. You can also see who owns the idea, the age of your idea, related tags and other helpful features.


Report on idea performance across your organisation from one simple to use platform. Track and monitor your experiment velocity (speed of experimentation), idea and experiment performance, customers engaged, money saved over time, and more.

Lean Canvas

Part of creating an idea in the app is utilising the Lean Canvas, an exercise helping you to workshop your idea by framing it from the perspective of your customer. This model ensures what you’re creating is always for your customers rather than for yourself.


Within Rapidly, create and manage experiments to test your idea using pretotyping. Rapidly will guide you through each phase of the pretotyping process, from forming a key market hypothesis, XYZ hypothesis, establishing success metrics and more.

Manage your to-do’s

Track and monitor your team’s to-do’s across each phase of your idea validation process. Keep track of what your team needs to focus on to make sure your experiment is a success — or failure! Think of it as your innovation checklist.


Talk to us to get started with Rapidly

We have options for enterprise, partner consultants and education bundles.

Ready to change the way you think about experimentation?